Farashi mai rahusa aluminum corrugated rufin rufin
Aluminium roofing sheets, kuma aka sani da corrugated aluminum rufin zanen gado, guguwar aluminum zanen gado, aluminum tiles, da dai sauransu., ana extruded bisa tushen aluminum zanen gado don samar da wani corrugated jihar. Za'a iya samun launuka daban-daban ta hanyar maganin saman.
Launuka na yau da kullun na zanen rufin aluminum sune shuɗi, fari, kore, baki, fari, lemu, da dai sauransu.
Aluminum corrugated rufin takardar
Common alloy models of aluminium corrugated roofing sheets are 3003 aluminum, 1060 aluminum, 3004 aluminum, 5052 aluminum, 6063 aluminum, 6061 aluminum, 7075 aluminum, da dai sauransu. Different series and different specifications of corrugated roofing sheets have different prices. Welcome Inquiry.
Why choose aluminum corrugated roofing sheet
Aluminum roofing sheets are made of aluminum alloy material, the common form is aluminum corrugated roofing sheets (Rufin Rufin Aluminum). This type of shingle has a wide range of applications in construction and industry, and its benefits include:
Lightweight and corrosion-resistant: Aluminum corrugated roofing sheets are lighter than other metal roof materials, which makes construction easier. A lokaci guda, the aluminum alloy has good corrosion resistance and is not easy to be oxidized by moisture, which prolongs the service life of the roof board.
Good wind resistance: The corrugated structure of aluminum alloy corrugated roof panels enhances its wind resistance, making it better able to withstand wind pressure and wind loads under harsh weather conditions.
Beautiful and durable: Aluminum corrugated roofing sheet can choose different colors and textures according to design needs, providing a beautiful appearance for the building. Haka kuma, the durability of aluminum alloy allows the shingles to maintain their beauty for a long time without frequent maintenance.
Abokan muhali da sake yin amfani da su: Aluminum alloy is a recyclable material, and the use of aluminum roof panels can help reduce the consumption of natural resources and reduce the environmental burden.
Aluminum corrugated roofing sheets are widely used
Residential buildings: aluminum corrugated roofing sheets are suitable for all types of residential buildings, including villas, bungalows and apartments.
Aluminium corrugated roofing sheet application
Gine-ginen kasuwanci: Aluminum roof panels are widely used in commercial buildings, such as office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, da dai sauransu.
Industrial buildings: In buildings such as industrial plants, warehouses and workshops, aluminum corrugated roofing sheet are also commonly used as roofing materials.
Agricultural buildings: Aluminum roofing sheets are often used in agricultural greenhouses, livestock farms and other places because of their advantages in light weight, corrosion resistance and light transmission.
Temporary buildings: Aluminum corrugated roofing sheet can also be used in temporary buildings, such as mobile homes, exhibition halls and temporary parking sheds.
Gabaɗaya, aluminum roof panels have become one of the popular choices in modern construction and industrial fields due to their superior performance and diverse application fields.
Factors Affecting the Price of Aluminum Roof Sheets
- 1. The price of aluminum raw materials
- 2. Processing cost of aluminum roof panels
- 3. Exchange rate of RMB to US dollar (Euro)
- 4. Shipping costs
Amfani a: gine gine, ado, bugu, shiryawa, kayan lantarki, masana'antun sadarwa, aluminum panel hasken rana hawa tsarin da dai sauransu.
Rufin hasumiya da dai sauransu
Kasashe da yankuna masu fitarwa
Ghana, nigeria etc
Barka da abokai daga ko'ina cikin duniya don ba da haɗin kai tare da mu. Za mu iya isar da kayayyaki ga kowace ƙasa a duniya.
Game da mu
Henan Huawei Aluminum CO., LTD masana'anta ne na kasar Sin kuma mai ba da kayan kwalliyar rufin rufin. Domin kyautata hidimar abokan cinikinmu, Muna kuma samar da rufin rufin aluminum tsantsa, tarkacen rufin rufin launi masu launi na rufin rufin, pvc corrugated rufin zanen gado da sauransu.
Muna ba da nau'i-nau'i na Rufin Rufin da aka ba da su a cikin launuka masu yawa da kauri. m, mai matukar ɗorewa kuma an gina shi sosai, Henan Huawei Aluminum Co., Ltd., Ltd Roofing Sheets ana kera su a cikin nau'in niƙa mai daraja na duniya, sadaukarwa na musamman don Rufin Rufin.
Idan kuna buƙatar kowane samfuran mu, muna maraba da ku tuntube mu. Muna fatan za mu ba ku hadin kai!